MASTER CosmoWhite CPO-TT Xtra

The easy-fitting solution for highly energy-efficient and reliable white light outdoors

Информация за продуктовата серия


New-generation ceramic metal-halide tubular lamps used in outdoor applications, offering efficient and pleasant white light


  • Attractive white-light alternative to current standard mercury-vapor, HPS and ceramic solutions

  • Offering easy access to low-cost high-performance new system with existing standard components


  • Highly efficient white light; extremely high system efficacy

  • Long reliable lifetime; new Xtra range offering service life of up to 6 years ( > 30kh average life)


Street lighting and area lighting, urban and residential areas and city centers; for functional lighting and city beautification

Предупреждение и безопасност

  • Use only in a totally enclosed luminaire, even during testing (IEC 61167, IEC 62035, IEC 60598)

  • The luminaire must be able to contain hot lamp parts if the lamp ruptures